Annual Meetings
Each year, Preservation New Jersey hosts an Annual Meeting where we provide an update on our activities from the past year. We are excited to show our progress and achievements with you.

Annual Meeting
Preservation New Jersey held its 2024 annual meeting on Thursday, July 25th at the T. Thomas Fortune Cultural Center in Redbank. Activities included sharing an overview of PNJ's initiatives and programs throughout the year, and a tour and presentation by Gilda Rogers, on the work and stewardship of the site by the T. Thomas Fortune Foundation. The meeting presentation can be viewed here.

Annual Meeting
Preservation New Jersey held its 2023 annual meeting on Saturday, October 14th at Monmouth University in West Long Branch. Activities included sharing an overview of PNJ's initiatives and programs throughout the year, and a tour and presentation by Andrew Clark of the Poricy Park Conservancy group on PNJ's 10 Most Endangered site the Joseph Murray House in Monmouth County. The meeting presentation can be viewed here.