Anderson Farm & House
Year Listed:
Bayville, Ocean County
58 Sloop Creek Road, Bayville, NJ, USA

The Anderson Farm, once a part of a 600-acre tract, has connections to the American Revolution and slavery. Its occupants included many family names such as Chamberlain, Anderson, Lawrence, Veeder and Nobles, all of which are well-known and proved to be prominent in both Monmouth and Ocean Counties. Since 2004, the site has been vacant with roughly 10 acres of forested land surrounding it. The primary threat to the site is the lack of plans to preserve and adaptively reuse it for the benefit of the public. Nearby, redevelopment for housing pose risks for the unused Farmstead. Preservation New Jersey supports those advocating for the restoration of the structure and its adaptive reuse. In addition, with the onset of America’s 250th celebrations, Preservation New Jersey supports and strongly encourages new partnerships to save the site and to have further research compiled to explore the role the Anderson Farm and House played in New Jersey and America’s history.
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