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Founded in 1978, Preservation New Jersey is a statewide member-supported non-profit historic preservation organization. We promote the economic vitality, sustainability, and heritage of New Jersey’s diverse communities through advocacy and education. 


​Preservation New Jersey works to fulfill its mission by providing and implementing the following activities:​

  • publishes the annual 10 Most Endangered Historic Places in NJ list, which draws attention to remarkable sites and to their many challenges. We believe that listing them will be a catalyst for change and that positive solutions can be found for their preservation;​

  • publishes instructional and informative toolkits and other educational materials and publications;​

  • maintains an informative newsletter, as well as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram feeds;

  • advocates for sound public policy at the local, state and federal levels on behalf of the historic preservation community in New Jersey;

  • conducts tours, workshops, lectures and conferences to educate the public about historic sites and preservation and sustainability issues;

  • provides a network of and informative training opportunities for professionals through the Building Industry Network; and

  • serves as a clearinghouse for technical assistance and information to homeowners, municipalities, historic preservation commissions, nonprofit agencies and other individuals and groups.

Strategic Plan

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