Preservation New Jersey (‘PNJ’) hosted its 2024 New Jersey Historic Preservation Awards event at Hinchliffe Stadium in Paterson, Passaic County, New Jersey. The event honored 17 awardees for excellence in preservation.
Each year, PNJ recognizes those institutions and individuals that have sustained historic preservation through stewardship of public and private historic sites. Awardees across several categories were reviewed and chosen by PNJ's Programs & Events Committee. Selections were based on the following criteria: public impact on the community, region, or state; quality and/or creativity of effort; broadened public awareness of history and historic preservation; increased partnerships to support history and historic preservation; and the quality of the submission.
Attendees enjoyed networking during the reception as well as food catered by The Brownstone of Paterson, New Jersey. PNJ Board President Paul Muir and Vice President Mark Nonestied, along with members of the Board of Trustees presented the program and distributed the awards.
Award winner Adrienne Rhodes, Co-founder of the Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project shared:
Since our founding just a few short years ago, our volunteer-driven team has toiled to deliver a four-pronged program that educates and entertains all whose paths it crosses. In collaboration with Haddonfield Alumni Society, Haddonfield Memorial High School, the Public Library, Education Association, and others, through oral histories and a companion docuseries, walking tours, and—now—historical markers commemorating the Black experience in a town that pre-dates the American Revolution, we are bringing people together across racial lines and generations facilitating dialogue to an extent that previously was unthinkable. At a time when polarization seems to be on the rise, this work is increasingly important. We share your interest in promoting the economic vitality, sustainability, and heritage of New Jersey’s diverse communities. This Honorable Mention is encouraging. It lifts our spirits and sets the tone for our future.
In 2024, PNJ received a record number of nominations for preservation work across the state. The Awards committee was able to honor projects and individuals through a new category "honorable mention" for projects embodying enthusiasm and exemplary practices in the stewardship of historic sites and collections.
One such honoree, the Armed Force Heritage Museum was excited to be part of the program. In 2020, the Burlington County Historical Society (BCHS) presented a unique opportunity to breathe new life into a historic house located in their Burlington city complex known as the Captain James Lawrence House. This house, which had stood unused and vacant for many years, was the family home of the renowned Naval Captain James Lawrence. Captain Lawrence gained fame during the War of 1812 for his legendary battle cry, "Don't Give Up the Ship." Recognizing the potential of this historic site, a partnership and building usage agreement was formed with the BCHS. This collaboration allowed for the repurposing of Captain Lawrence's home into a vibrant military history museum. The newly established museum now serves as a hub of historical knowledge, featuring exhibits and displays from pivotal conflicts such as the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and both World Wars I and II.
Roy Plummer, President of the Armed Forces Heritage Museum shared:
On behalf of the Armed Forces Heritage Museum we are most appreciative of the Honorable Mention Award given us by the Preservation NJ organization. Armed Forces Heritage Museum is very proud of the work performed by our all-volunteer non-profit military history organization to repurpose the historic Capt James Lawrence House in Burlington city into a military history museum that the public can enjoy.
This event was supported and sponsored by all of the amazing and enthusiastic attendees, and our partners at Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects, Bosenberg & Co., Montclair State University, The Charles J. Muth Museum of Hinchliffe Stadium, Middlesex County, Passaic County, Lear & Pannepacker LLP, and the Armed Forces Heritage Museum of Burlington County.
2024 NJ Historic Preservation Award Winners
Constance Greiff Writing Award - Robert W. Craig
David H. Knights New Preservation Initiatives Award - Sussex County Community College for the Horton Mansion Restoration
Dr. Doris C. Carpenter Excellence Award - Asbury Park African American Music Project
Historic Preservation Commission Award - Pompton Lakes Historic Preservation Commission
Honorable Mentions for Preservation Stewardship
Stephen Schwartz, AIA – for a new and exciting initiative entitled LEGO Building Education Programs to teach students lessons in local zoning and construction
Alliance Heritage Center Digital Museum – for its Digital Museum project showcasing narratives of Jewish agricultural communities in southern New Jersey
Preserving Black Haddonfield History Project – for creating an education program and tour to celebrate the African American community that once thrived in Haddonfield
Roger Prichard and John Laverty – for the creation of the Riverton Historic Preservation Commission
Roman Drukarov, Adam Lasota, AIA, The Ramtin Group, Orange Valley Glass, Frank Valvano, Mountain Construction, and Mike Turano – for the restoration of 205 Glenridge Avenue, Montclair New Jersey (The Former St. Eric’s Swedish Lutheran Church )
Armed Forces Heritage Museum – for the repurposing of the Captain James Lawrence House in Burling County as a Military History Museum
Junelynn Sadlowski - for her years of service in history, historic preservation and care of the Metlar-Bodine House Museum
Preservation Craftsmanship Award - Morris Canal Lock 2 East Project – Connolly & Hickey Historical Architects, Dell Tech Inc., and the County of Morris
Preservation Project Award(s)
Hoboken Public Library Restoration Project – Hoboken Public Library, Clarke Caton Hintz, Harrison Hamnett Structural Engineers, and Kelter & Gilligo MEP/Fire Engineers
The Franklin Street School Adaptive Reuse Project – City of Cape May, Cape May County Library Commission, The Center for Community Arts, Inc., and Burns Construction Consulting, LLC, Michael Calafati Architect, LLC, Arcari + Iovino Architects, PC, KSi Professional Engineers, LLC, and Merrell & Garaguso, Inc.
Hunterdon County Court House Restoration – County of Hunterdon, Frank Bell, AIA; County Architect, Clarke Caton Hintz, Kelter & Gilligo MEP/ Fire Engineers, Harrison Hamnett Structural Engineers, and Schnabel Conservation
Sarah P. Fiske Legacy & Leadership Award - Dorothy Guzzo
Young Preservationist Award - Julie Kroon
We were so happy to be at the event as long time supporters of PNJ. We were specially happy to see so many awards given out . Our long time friend Michael Calafati's award was special to us as well as the Connie Grieff award to Robert Craig whom we both knew back a few years. Connie helped me with my project to get the Water Witch Club on the National Register and so did Bob. PNJ is a great much needed orgnaization in NJ and hopefully to will continue to grow and have the continued success it has had sinde its founding.,