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Historic preservation is an important aspect of maintaining our cultural heritage. To aid in this effort, there are a variety of educational tools available to help individuals and organizations learn more about the field. These can include programs, workshops, conferences, and publications. By utilizing these resources, we can work together to ensure that our historic buildings and sites are preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Video References & Resources

Preservation New Jersey provides a diverse range informative and engaging sessions that cover various aspects of preservation. Our programs are available both virtually and as recordings of in-person events. If you missed any of our events, you can tune in below to catch up on what you missed.

Talks with Our Ten Most: Sandy Hook/Fort Hancock

Talks with Our Ten Most: Sandy Hook/Fort Hancock

This is an unedited recording of Preservation NJ's August 10, 2023 unscripted conversation with Sandy Hook Foundation President, Pete Izzo, and Shawn Welch, a retired Army engineer officer and Co-Chair of the Secretary of the Interior's Fort Hancock Federal Advisory Committee. This virtual event was a part of PNJ's series, "Talks with Our Ten Most," where we share updates -- and lessons learned -- from past PNJ Ten Most Endangered Sites. Sandy Hook, specifically Fort Hancock, was listed in 1995. See more at: Fort Hancock and Sandy Hook Proving Ground National Historic Landmark are home to several batteries and historic Army buildings, the oldest surviving lighthouse in the U.S., and a former United States Life-Saving Service station building which bears witness to the maritime history of this peninsula. Since 1895, Fort Hancock was one of the places vital to American defense up to the nuclear age. For more on Sandy Hook history, see: The Sandy Hook Foundation is the official friends group to the National Park Service at Sandy Hook, New Jersey, a unit of Gateway National Recreation Area. Established in 1989, the Foundation has funded cultural, educational, environmental, and conservation programs and has helped restore and preserve historic structures of the Sandy Hook Lighthouse and Fort Hancock — both National Historic Landmarks. For more on the Sandy Hook Foundation, see: Hosted by Melissa Ziobro of the PNJ Board of Directors.
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